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    nxHacks Trusted prx's Avatar
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    Oct 2012

    Chat FAQ [Most frequently asked questions in chat/shoutbox]

    Due to noticing many of the same questions asked in chat, we have compiled an FAQ list as below:

    1Q. Is H1Z1/BF4/another cheat detected?
    1A. Please see the status bar images above the chatbox. All games have a status image which links to the game's forum thread. Green is undetected, red is detected and orange is currently unknown.

    2Q. When will my HWID be reset? How do I get a HWID reset?
    2A. If you require a HWID reset, you will have to post in this thread: http://www.nxhacks.net/showthread.ph...ng-For-A-Reset There is no use asking when it will be reset, because the administrator in charge of resets will see to it as soon as possible.

    3Q. Where do I download the loader?
    3A. You can download the loader from this thread: http://www.nxhacks.net/showthread.ph...B4%D0%B5%D1%80 Ensure that you download the 64-bit loader for 64-bit games and the 32-bit loader for 32-bit games e.g. download 64-bit loader for BF4 in 64-bit but download 32-bit loader for BF3, even if you have a 64-bit computer.

    4Q. Why can't I see the game in the games list in the loader?
    4A. You downloaded the 64-bit loader when you should have downloaded the 32-bit loader (or vice versa), please go to the download loader thread and download the other version.
    Last edited by oschigamer; 07-25-2015 at 09:56 PM. Reason: Updated 25/07/15

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