- PunkBuster
- Screenshot Proofing
- Anti-FairFight Module
- HWID Spoofer Module

- Vehicle Aimbot
- Infantry Aimbot
- Sniper Aimbot
- Aim Key - Use your own aimbot key
- Aim Style - Distance, Closest to Cross-hair, Lowest Health
- Aim Visibility - Checks if player is behind wall/object
- Aim Bone Scan - Scan for visible bones on an enemy's body
- Aim Suppression - Will only aim at players with enough health to survive a hit, so you can receive suppression/kill assist points
- Aim Auto-Wall - Aim at targets behind penetrable/breakable walls
- Aim Vehicles - Aim at vehicles
- Aim Vehicle Part-Scan - Scan for visible parts of a vehicle
- Aim Ignore Certain Vehicle Types - Turn off aiming at Tanks/Jeeps/Jets/Helicopters
- Aim Perfect Jet - Set to 315MPH for perfect turning
- Aim Follow for Jets - To follow the target off-screen
- Aim Passenger Seat - Using aimbot as passenger
- Aim Gadgets - Aimbot that aims at gadgets
- Aim Explosives - Aimbot that aims at explosives
- Smooth-Aim - Human-like aiming system
- Aim FOV - Aim at enemies within a certain area of your screen
- Aim Lock - Keep the aimbot locked to a particular enemy
- Aim Prediction - Make the aimbot more accurate
- Aim Debugging - Display technical information about what the aimbot is doing
- Auto-Fire - Fire your weapon when the aimbot is locked on
- Trigger Bot - Fire your weapon when aimed at an enemy

- ESP Customization - Color your ESP and make finding your enemies pretty)
- Infantry
- Snap-Lines - Draw lines from soldiers to the bottom of your screen
- Box - Put a rectangle box around the enemy
- Weapon - Show what weapon an enemy is carrying
- Skeleton - Draw the enemy's skeleton
- Name - Identify the enemy by name
- Health - Display the enemy's health
- Distance - Show how far away the enemy is
- Infantry Chams - See Coloured enemies through walls
- ESP Adjustments
- Vehicle
- Vehicle Snap-Lines - Draw lines from vehicles to the bottom of your screen
- Vehicle Chams - See Coloured vehicles through walls
- Vehicle Box - Put a rectangle box around the enemy vehicles
- Vehicle Name - Display the names of the enemy vehicles
- Vehicle Health - Display the health of the enemy vehicles
- Show Vehicle Speed - Display the speed which your vehicle is travelling
- Neutral Vehicles - Vehicles without players inside them
- Mini-Map & Misc. ESP Tools
- Auto-Spot - Spot all enemies on the map constantly, receive lots of points
- Custom Game FOV - Custom FOV settings to increase zoom of all weapons, including iron sights
- Mini-Map - Displays all players on Mini-Map
- Visibility - Is Player "Visible" Yellow/Red
- 2D Radar - Display a 2D ESP map
- Buttons - Displays text over buttons - [Button]
- Phantom Dog Tags - Find the new Phantom tags easily!
- Pickup - Dropped Player Kits
- Explosives - Mines & C4
- Supply - Health & Ammo Packs
- Crosshair - Put a crosshair on the screen - helpful in hardcore

- No-Recoil - Disable weapon recoil
- No-Spread - Disable bullet spread
- No-Breath - Disable soldier breathing
- No-Sway - Disable weapon sway
- No-Fog - Remove fog from the sky -(BROKEN)-
- No-Sky - Remove the sky...from the sky -(BROKEN)-
- Sniper Zoom Sway Removal - Disable sniper scope sway
- Passenger View Unlock - View is no longer limited on the X-Axis[turning left and right] while inside a vehicle passenger seat

- Spectator Hack - Join the server as a spectator, and be able to kill people from both teams -(BROKEN)-
- Invisibility - No one can see you, great for arming/disarming MCOMs and confusing the enemy
- Magic Bullet - Kill people through walls, and with 1 shot
- Magic Bullet Current Weapon - Use Current Weapon as Kill Weapon
- Magic Bullet Headshots - Always get a headshot when you kill an Enemy
- Auto-Heal/"God Mode" - Instantly heal yourself to 100% HP
- Extra Kits - Replaces your knife/grenade/gadgets with gadgets from other classes
- Vehicle Gadget Hack - Replace your vehicles upgrades with other primary/secondary weapons to increase damage
- Auto-C4 - Automatically detonate C4 when an enemy is in range of it
- Auto-Knife - Automatically knife an enemy when they come into range of you
- Auto-Revive - Automatically revive team mates when you come into range of them
- Healing Ray - Shoot at a team mate to heal them, you get heal points
- Admin Chat - Displays in-game chat as ADMIN
- Spectator Warning - Displays a warning message of who is currently spectating you in Spectator Mode
- Ping Spoofing - Never get kicked from those damn limited ping servers again!
- Building Scaling - No need for an elevator! Scale that bitch!
- Anti-Hardcore Mode - Enables entire HUD, Mini-Map, etc
- Team Respawn - Quickly spawn on your team
- Vehicle Respawn - Quickly spawn on any available vehicle
- Force Unlocks - Unlock all attachments/upgrades/skins
- Team Order Spam - Spam your entire team with orders from the commo-rose, can really piss off your team!
- Spawn Battle Pickup Weapons - Spawn with any Battle pickup you want
- Spawn RAWR - Spawn with the RAWR pickup, on any map!
- Spawn Accipiter - Spawn with the Accipiter pickup, on any map!
- Spawn Singleplayer - Spawn with Singleplayer weapons (Unlimited ammo, crazy stats)

Page by yaaver2468