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Anti-FF Screenshot Proofing
Anti-FairFight Module
Infantry - Aimbot
Aim Key - Set your own key to activate aimbot
Aim Bone - Set the part of the body to aim at
Aim Smoothing - Human-like aiming (SlowAim)
Aim FOV - Set your own aimbot field of view
Aim Lock - Keeps the bot locked until target dies
Aim Prediction - Accurately predicts where a target will be
Name - Identify the enemy by name
Health - Display the enemy's health
Distance - Show how far away the enemy is
Box - Put a rectangle box around the enemy
Snap-Lines - Draw lines from soldiers to the bottom of your screen
Infantry Chams - See Coloured enemies through walls
Vehicle Name - Display the names of the enemy vehicles
Vehicle Box - Put a rectangle box around the enemy vehicles
Vehicle Health - Display the health of the enemy vehicles
Vehicle Snap-Lines - Draw lines from vehicles to the bottom of your screen
Vehicle Chams - See Coloured vehicles through walls
Mini-Map & Misc. ESP Tools
Mini-Map - Displays enemies on mini-map
Visibility - Colors for visible/non-visible enemies
Auto-Spotting - Automatically spot enemies
Auto-Spotting Delay - Configure the delay between each mass spot
Crosshair - Draws a centered crosshair
Max ESP Distance - Configure the maximum distance to show enemies at
No Breath
No Recoil
Instant Respawn - Respawn instantly upon death (Including during Firestorm matches!)
Instant Suicide - Suicide instantly at any time
Magic Bullet - Kill people through walls, and with 1 shot
Magic Bullet Headshots - Always get a headshot when you kill an Enemy
Page by yaaver2468