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Screenshot Proofing
Anti-FairFight Module
Soldier & Vehicle Aimbot
Aim Key - Use your own aimbot key
Aim Style - (Distance, Closest to Cross-hair, Lowest Health)
Aim Bone Scan - (Scan for visible bones on an enemy's body)
Aim Suppression - (Will only aim at players with enough health to survive a hit, so you can receive suppression/kill assist points)
Aim Auto-Wall - (Aim at targets behind penetrable/breakable walls)
Aim Vehicles - (Aim at vehicles)
Aim Vehicle Part-Scan - (Scan for visible parts of a vehicle)
Aim Debugging - (Display technical information about what the aimbot is doing)
Aim Visibility - (Checks if player is behind wall/object)
Aim FOV - Customize your field of view
Smooth-Aim - Human-Like Aiming
Bone Selection - Aim at different parts of the enemy's body
Aim Lock - Keep the Aimbot locked to one particular enemy
Auto-Fire - Automatically fire the weapon when the Aimbot has a target
Name ESP
Health ESP
Distance ESP
Explosive ESP
Vehicle ESP
Soldier Chams - Soldiers Glow
Vehicle Chams - Vehicles Glow
Auto-Spotting - Automatically spot enemies
Auto-Spotting Delay - Configure the delay between each mass spot
No Breath
No Recoil
Unlock Passenger View - Remove view restrictions as a passenger
Admin Chat - [ADMIN]YourName: your text here
Super-Vaulting - Makes you jump very high
Magic Bullet - Kill people through walls
Auto-Heal - Regenerate your health constantly (99% Godmode)
Extra Kits - Replace your knife/grenade/gadgets with gadgets from other classes
Vehicle Unlocks Hack - Replace your vehicles upgrades with other primary/secondary weapons/countermeasures
Page by yaaver2468